
Please find below a selection of blog posts and news items on various subjects – such as family law and divorce.

When you have a family related legal issue, choosing the right lawyer can be a daunting task. Many people will have limited or no experience of working with lawyers. Different types of law require different skill sets and so the qualities you might look for in a lawyer to purchase your home or sue a multi-national company are not necessarily the qualities you will be looking for when separating from your partner.
Every year the media appears to write articles about so called ‘Divorce Day’. The media suggests that there is an omen day for divorce, and that this is on the first working Monday after the Christmas break. The reality is that divorce takes place every day – divorce is unique and different for everyone.
Traditionally, applications for divorce have been made on paper and in recent years the process has become fraught with delays, with many people waiting for over a year for their divorce to be finalised.